December Astrology Forecast 2022


December is quite the end to 2022.

Similar to last year when Mars was retrograde in Aries we are being asked to take things slowww and steady—while trusting a lot of the answers, inspiration, new frontiers and opportunities, movement, tangible change, and excitement we are craving are coming later in 2023. This is a year I would recommend closing out softly. You might be more inclined to be really reflective, more introspective, and spend time only with yourself and extremely comfortable and cherished loved ones. We’re extremely discerning with our energy right now and there’s overall a coziness to this month that is best expressed by candlelight with a cup of something warm and your favorite blanket and journal versus all dressed up and out at the holiday party. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or go out, but it’s good to know if you’re not in the mood it’s not just you. In that same vein it’s also not the month to push yourself too hard in work or business. Lots of rest, quiet time, ideally therapy and therapeutic body work, as well as human/animal cuddles and time spent staring out the window is on the table mixed with getting through the to do list of things you CAN control and make you feel productive like you’re moving forward and not staying stuck in what once was.

2023 is bringing us entirely new energy from the last few years. If 2022 was the appetizer to our new way of being, 2023 is the whole damn meal. So many new floodgates we’ve been DYING for will present themselves effortlessly in 2023. Remember that at any moment you already ARE the person of your dreams and can embody that energy simply by asking “what would that version of me choose to be/do?” and moving in that way.


“What do I truly value and how do I restructure/structure my life to reflect these values even more as I enter 2023 and prepare for brand new horizons?”


December 4th, 2022 - Neptune Goes Direct

On December 4th, 2022 Neptune goes direct at 22° Pisces.

Neptune goes direct pretty often so normally this isn’t a huge shift; however, this month we will feel the change more dramatically as Neptune will no longer be squaring off with Mars Rx in Gemini. We’ll be able to make better sense of things and the rose colored glasses will be on but in a good uplifting way to provide extra long term visionary energy.

December 6th, 2022 - Mercury Enters Capricorn

On December 6th, 2022 Mercury enters Capricorn.

Mercury in Capricorn makes us more business like and direct in our communication.

At the end of the month it will be retrograding so now is the perfect time to take care of projects that require your ceo skills as it will become a little murkier communication and direction wise at the top of the year. Capricorn’s goal oriented nature helps us stay focused and take action where we’ve been itching to.

December 8th, 2022 - Full Moon In Gemini

On December 8th, 2022 we have a Full Moon at 16° Gemini.

This moon is conjunct Mars Rx in Gemini and trine Saturn in Aquarius giving us some structure to make changes where we feel tension. Im calling this the itchy tag moon with effects that will last through at least the end of Mars Rx in Gemini in mid January. This moon (and really all of December) pay attention to what are itchy tags in your life—the things that are not BIG problems but the tiny things that frustrate or irritate you, like when you have an itchy tag on an otherwise favorite sweater. What changes can you make to choose a different path wherever you are unsatisfied?

December 10th, 2022 - Venus Enters Capricorn

On December 10th, 2022 Venus enters Capricorn.

Venus in Capricorn takes love, money, and values more seriously than any other sign. Here we are interested in building things that last with a sturdy foundation. This is an especially great time to pay attention to what you REALLY want as it’s probably the piece of your value system that is the most sustainable and achievable long term.

December 20th, 2022 - Jupiter Enters Aries

On December 20th, 2022 Jupiter enters Aries

Jupiter in Aries is all about expansion in new and exciting pioneering directions. Here we are a bit more motivated to explore ourselves AND the outside world for adventure.

If Jupiter in Pisces was all about our dreams and spiritual journey Jupiter in Aries is what we DO and who we BE knowing those things. We’ll have this until May 2023 so it’ll be a great 4 months of self empowered growth. 

December 21st, 2022 - Sun Enters Capricorn

On December 21st, 2022, the Sun enters Capricorn.

Happy birthday Seagoats!


On December 23rd, 2022 we have a New Moon at 1° Capricorn.

This moon is presenting what we’re craving long term and deep down want to build to last but is at odds with what we’re currently being introduced and expanded into. The square with Jupiter in fellow cardinal sign Aries presents us with how do we both honor what we’re being given NOW with what we desire for LATER and over time?

December 23rd, 2022 - Chiron Goes Direct

On December 23rd, 2022 Chiron goes direct at 11° Aries.

When Chiron goes direct it signals a new phase in our healing cycle. You will be presented with NEW opportunities and new lenses and cycles to further the healing of the self with a focus in Aries versus just rehashing what you’ve already worked through.

December 29th, 2022 - Mercury Goes Retrograde

On December 29th, 2022 Mercury goes retrograde at 24° Capricorn.

Mercury retrogrades are all about what needs to be reviewed, reassessed, and renewed in our life. In Capricorn this is a particular emphasis on what we build long term (how many times can one person say that in an astro forecast, right?).

Instead of rushing forward we’re being asked to go back and relook at our steps and dot any i’s, cross any t’s that need some extra attention. You may feel an even greater call to rest and go within until this ends January 19th.

December 29th, 2022 - Mercury Conjunct Venus

On December 29th, 2022 Mercury retrograde and Venus meet at 24° Capricorn.

When these two planets meet like this together it’s an opportunity to review our values, love styles, beauty, money and more. Ive already been telling my clients, but I would hold off on any big financial decisions (especially long term investments) until mercury is out of retrograde because of this influence.

On a lower vibration side this might make us feel rocky in our assets, on a higher vibration side that gives us the opportunity to get back in touch with what REALLY matters to us and is deserving of our time, energy, thought, and resources.

Enjoy this month of coziness and self love reflection. Try to do extra nice things for yourself like buying the high quality sweater you’ve been wanting for some time or taking yourself to the coffee shop or for a walk in a new part of town. This is a great month to romanticize your interior perspective of things versus externalizing energy and be the main character in an understated way.




Katherine Wehler is an Activation + Ascension Guide, Conscious Business Coach, and Host of the Soul (Re)Discovery Podcast. Katherine is committed to guiding Light Leaders in creating and truly anchoring in real time Heaven on Earth. She uses her 20+ years as an Astrologer, Human Design skills, and access to the 23rd Dimension to help her High Caliber clients create a lasting impact and legacy of love, majorly increase client attraction and money manifestation, and overall build a life based on love, joy, freedom, and abundance. Born with Soul Blueprints focused on helping humanity shift into the highest timeline possible, Katherine is deeply passionate about business being not just another career but an important platform for Global Transformation and Ascended Consciousness. Learn More about Katherine.

Katherine Wehler