January Astrology Forecast 2023


If you didn’t grab my 2023 forecast I don’t know what you were doing the last week of the year! JK (kinda—ps send an email to hello@katherinewehler.com we’ll send you a secret link to get it for $33) But if you did then you ALREADY KNOW what a whirlwind 2023 is gonna be! And January is a pretty interesting kick off.

At the start of the month allll we are doing is completing cycles from the end of 2022. So you may not feel those juicy New Year’s vibes until around the 18th when Mars and Mercury are both direct restoring our clarity and motivation (two very important things to have for new year’s resolutions to actually happen). My recommendation is just freaking rest. Take a load off. It’s still winter break until the 18th.

THEN in the middle of the month everything changes and we are ZOOMING with creativity, inspiration, imagination, expansion, and good vibes coming out of our ears. 

February will also be a wrap up month in the wake and with the help of these good vibes and then by the end of March we’ll be getting completely different energy than the last few years that will have us feeling much more optimistic and like life is finally gaining the momentum we’ve wanted since 2020.

But for now check out what January has in store and enjoy easily cruising into a new year!


“How do I honor and nurture myself through all seasons of life without judgment and with love for myself?” 

A little extra: This is THE month to remind yourself how loved and lucky you are—everything is working out for your highest good always.


January 2nd, 2023 - Venus Enters Aquarius

On January 2nd, 2023 Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius.

In Aquarius Venus is more detached than usual. This can be a really constructive time of breaking any patterns of codependency when it comes to love, beauty, money and wealth, and relationships in general. Aquarius helps us zoom and see our own individuality so we don’t become enmeshed or reliant on others or external forces to fulfill us.

January 6th, 2023 - Full Moon In Cancer

On January 6th, 2023 we have a Full Moon at 16° Cancer.

The Full Moon is opposite Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, square Chiron in Aries and sextile Uranus in Taurus.

To me this is an EXTREMELY liberating moon. This is a moon that may at first feel very tender as Chiron is poking at our deepest wounds but with the gentle parenting of both Mercury Rx in Capricorn saying it’s safe to slow down and not be so productive and Cancer reminding us our emotions can be such a powerful portal for change and taking steps forward PLUS the positive flirty sextile of Uranus saying good surprises are in store it is a moon for reminding us of how powerful we are. 

One trend I have noticed very tangibly with these moons aspecting Chiron in Aries is that each time they help us claim back a piece of us that was stolen at some point or a piece we willingly gave away because of pressure and feeling powerless. “No more!!”says Chiron but first allow yourself to just feel it without judgment says nurturing Cancer. Go gentle but be curious.

January 7th, 2023 - Mercury Rx Conjunct Sun

On January 7th, 2023 Mercury retrograde is conjunct the Sun at 17° Capricorn.

The Mercury-Sun conjunction marks the beginning of a brand new Mercury cycle.

This is such an auspicious astrology transit that happens about every 4 months and especially in Capricorn which is all about helping us build something sustainable and made to last I think an especially GREAT time to begin work on any long term projects.

January 12th, 2023 - Mars Goes Direct

It has been 2 and a half months since Mars went retrograde.

On January 12th, 2023, Mars finally goes direct at 8° Gemini.

FINALLY is what most folks will be feeling (especially the Generators and Manifesting Generators who have felt unlike themselves with it retrograde for so long). This transit will restore our momentum, our drive, our passion, and our fire. However, remember to take away what it taught in the retrograde too about slowing down to speed up so you don’t hit the gas too hard. Mars in Gemini can make us feel like we need to do a million things at once or have a million ideas at once. So take the next few weeks to really feel all of those out and trust your intuition on what is worth the time as this planet transforms this part of your chart before it finally leaves in March following an unprecedented 8 month cycle.

January 18th, 2023 - Mercury Goes Direct

few days after Mars goes direct, on January 18th, 2023, Mercury also goes direct at 8° Capricorn.

Not only do we have forward momentum now we also have clarity and clear communication to back us up. Here, just like last year, is where it will finally start to feel like a new year and we’ll have those fresh, inspired, and motivated, ready to manifest new years vibes we’ve been craving for 2023.

January 18th, 2023 - Sun Conjunct Pluto

On January 18th, 2023, we will have a Sun-Pluto conjunction at 27° Capricorn.

This transit has a way of dramatically transforming our “ego” identities wherever it falls in our charts. Who are you really? What needs to shed to be that person? What story can you let go of?

January 20th, 2023 - Sun Enters Aquarius

On January 20th, 2023 the Sun enters Aquarius.

Happy birthday Aquas!

January 21st, 2023 - New Moon In Aquarius

On January 21st, 2023 we have an auspicious New Moon at 1° Aquarius.

Another day that will help it start to feel like a new year, this moon is conjunct Pluto, trine Mars, and sextile Jupiter. Fresh new paradigm vibes are alllll around!! Momentum and luck from go getter Jupiter in Aries, drive and creative passion fireing on all cylinders from a Gemini Mars, and a sneak peek at the 20 year long Pluto in Aquarius cycle we’re entering into in March.

January 23rd, 2023 - Uranus Goes Direct

On January 23rd, 2023 Uranus goes direct at 14° Taurus.

Again a time to celebrate! Uranus is direct without being square Saturn for the first time in YEARS. Here Uranus is finally, finally unimpeded by Saturn and can actually bring fresh perspectives and monumental change to wherever it is transiting your chart. Things that have been feeling stuck will finally start to move AND it’s finally going to feel fun again with Saturn out of the picture.

January 26th, 2023 - Venus Enters Pisces

On January 26th, 2023 Venus enters the sign of her exaltation, Pisces.

A beautiful finish to the month Venus is at home in Pisces where she feels utterly beautiful and free to dream and play. Here we are more intuitive and inspired by art, poetry, music and anything expressive in an abstract way. This transit also includes a conjunction with Neptune on Valentine’s Day next month when we are invited to let unconditional love swirl around us even more.

If you felt like the beginning of the year was not what you hoped you will LOVE the end of this month, so stay curious and open minded, be willing to explore the little crevices you have not yet and slow down to speed up…then just bask in all the influx of creativity, inspiration, and personal power. Enjoy!




Katherine Wehler is an Activation + Ascension Guide, Conscious Business Coach, and Host of the Soul (Re)Discovery Podcast. Katherine is committed to guiding Light Leaders in creating and truly anchoring in real time Heaven on Earth. She uses her 20+ years as an Astrologer, Human Design skills, and access to the 23rd Dimension to help her High Caliber clients create a lasting impact and legacy of love, majorly increase client attraction and money manifestation, and overall build a life based on love, joy, freedom, and abundance. Born with Soul Blueprints focused on helping humanity shift into the highest timeline possible, Katherine is deeply passionate about business being not just another career but an important platform for Global Transformation and Ascended Consciousness. Learn More about Katherine.

Katherine Wehler