May Astrology Forecast 2023

May is a month that I think brings really important conversations to the forefront that characterize our year! Taurus is THE main character so you will definitely want to pay extra special attention to where this is in your chart. This has been a major focus for years but now with Jupiter entering we’re getting a new luckier flavor (Taurus placements rejoice!! I know just how much y’all have been through the wringer and I send you big love!).

Overall this month we will be having sobering contemplations alongside really light-hearted out of the blue that was a fun surprise ones. It’s a mixed bag so be extra gentle with all the ebbs and flows as you process a lot and come out of the intensity that was April’s astrology. This month is such a great example of the alchemists’ rubedo: taking raw material aka human life experience and turning it into soul growth gold. My best advice is to lean into where Taurus is in your chart (even if it makes no logical sense) and trust that all that goodness will help untangle and work out the rest that feels murky or not quite complete as you go.


How does leaning into my humanity ultimately ALWAYS equal soul growth and how can I fully trust that?


May 2nd, 2023 - Sun Conjunct Mercury 

On May 2nd, 2023 Sun is conjunct Mercury retrograde at 11° Taurus. This cazimi is the beginning of a new

4-month Mercury cycle. 

I really enjoy the Sun-Mercury conjunction moments because it’s a time of revitalization around an idea or project or creation you’ll see birthed over the next 4 months. Wherever 11 degrees Taurus is you may be experiencing a kind of renewal of energy or an extra boost of new kinds of thoughts or insights.

May 5th, 2023 - Full Moon Eclipse In Scorpio

On May 5th, 2023 we have a Full Moon Eclipse at 14° Scorpio.

This is a South Node Eclipse which means we will be letting go of something wherever this falls in your chart and embracing a new path forward wherever the opposite Taurus is. This is also the last Scorpio eclipse we will be having for a while and the last eclipse on the Scorpio-Taurus axis while the North Node is in Taurus so it will naturally mean the grand ending or culmination to a cycle you have been in since about fall of 2021.

It’s also important to note too that this will be a cycle that goes on for about 6 months. So while eclipses can bring fated events in the moment, we don’t see the full picture of why or how, etc until months later. Time and space are key here.

May 7th, 2023 - Venus enters Cancer

On May 7th, 2023 Venus enters Cancer

Venus lovesssss Cancer, and it’s just in time for the new Little Mermaid movie no surprise! Here we’re invited into our own inner mermaid energy in the realms of values, love, relationships, beauty, and money. How can you move with the ebbs and flows that come up during this more sensitive yet soft time?

May 9th, 2023 - Sun Conjunct Uranus

On May 9th, 2023 Sun is conjunct Uranus at 18° Taurus.

Uranus in Taurus, to me, is THE defining astrology of our time right now. When it conjuncts the sun it illuminates something that is shifting and changing in the area where Taurus is. This area of our charts really is the unconventional main character and has been for quite a while, how can you give it even more love?

May 15th, 2023 - Mercury Goes Direct

On May 15th, 2023 Mercury goes direct at 5° Taurus.

We are no longer in painfully slow Taurus Mercury rx energy—that’s really all there is to say about it! haha

Expect things to get a little boost of energy once again wherever Taurus is in your chart.

May 16th, 2023 - Jupiter Enters Taurus

On May 16th, 2023 Jupiter enters Taurus.

This one is a BIG deal and one of the transits astrologers have been looking forward to the most in 2023! Jupiter in Taurus is notorious for being an extra abundant and wealthy transit wherever Taurus is in your chart and on a collective level overall. This will be the fastest economic turnaround we have seen in recent history financially as this is the transit that marks the end of recessions and usually comes about 10 years after the major recession begins astrologically—this year it’s only a few.

This is such a key transit to work with as Jupiter rules expansion, higher learning, opportunities, luck, and blessings. Wherever Taurus is in your chart is your portal to abundance over the next year while Jupiter makes its way through this area of life. Truly a transit to celebrate!

May 17th, 2023 - Jupiter Square Pluto

On May 17th, 2023 Jupiter is square Pluto at 0° Aquarius.

Before we FULLY feel the expansion of Jupiter in Taurus we’re being asked to pause and work out the kinks of this square.  This square can create a conversation of where we find conflict between material growth and transcendental humanitarian growth—a VERY important topic for the new paradigm I think personally! It might have you feeling a little uncomfortable but lean into that, squares are opportunities to see the holes in our armor and repair them. How can these seemingly unalike things find common ground?

May 19th, 2023 - New Moon In Taurus

On May 19th, 2023, we have a New Moon at 28° Taurus. 

This is one of the most anticipated New Moons of the year because it only makes harmonious aspects with other planets: the New Moon in Taurus is sextile Mars in Leo, sextile Neptune in Pisces, and trine Pluto in Aquarius. 

If ever there was a manifestation moon it’s this one. I find Taurus energy to be our saving grace and grounding force in this time of SO MUCH change and tech advancement particularly. This new moon has me thinking on how popular GRWMs and day-in-the-life vlogs are right now while AI is on the rise and inflation is high. There’s a reason the cosmetic industry is one of the only recession proof industries. When people feel like they don’t have control they take it back through something that makes them feel good like a beauty routine—even it’s simple. There’s a dignity to it.

Taurus reminds us to enjoy the simple sensual pleasures of being a human—the pleasures that are our birth right and reason for being here. To experience each moment through a lens that is so deeply rooted in our somatic experience ONLY. And I just think that kind of reminder is what we need most. It’s also quite positive as Jupiter in Taurus brings even more bright days ahead in the realm of finances, luxury, pleasure, etc. So please by all means use this moons energy as a jumping off point to a revitalization of your manifestations becoming reality.

May 20th, 2023 - Mars Enters Leo

On May 20th, 2023 Mars enters Leo.

Here our hearts passion is more clear. I really like to use Mars in Leo to pay attention to what is unapologetically coming through that fires you up and honestly? gets you super hot (wink!)

May 21st, 2023 - Sun Enters Gemini

On May 21st, 2023 Sun enters Gemini. Happy birthday my Gemmies!

You can use code GEMINI for $100 off Quantum Soul Alignment through the end of June as an extra special birthday gift!

Ultimately i think May is one of those months that doesn’t present as extreme or life-changing in the moment (unlike how April was for most folks) HOWEVER we will look back on years from now as a turning point. Keep having both grace and faith in yourself as you go after whatever you want. We’re really in an ebb-and-flow astrological time that’s both asking us to surrender to what we can’t change and lean into what we can. Enjoy May!

With Love,


Katherine Wehler is an Activation + Ascension Guide, Conscious Business Coach, and Host of the Soul (Re)Discovery Podcast. Katherine is committed to guiding Light Leaders in creating and truly anchoring in real time Heaven on Earth. She uses her 20+ years as an Astrologer, Human Design skills, and access to the Akashic Records to help her High Caliber clients create a lasting impact and legacy of love, majorly increase client attraction and money manifestation, and overall build a life based on love, joy, freedom, and abundance. Born with Soul Blueprints focused on helping humanity shift into the highest timeline possible, Katherine is deeply passionate about business being not just another career but an important platform for Global Transformation and Ascended Consciousness. Learn More about Katherine.

Katherine Wehler